Cheatsheet vim
Code formatting :set list, \l - show invisibles :retab! - auto converting between tabs and spaces :set expandtab, retab! - to spaces :set noexpandtab, retab! - to tabs . - repeat Normal mode h, j, k, l - left, down, up, right gj - go down display line gk - go up display line 0 - to the first character of real line g0 - to the first character of display line ^ - to the first nonblank character of line g^ - to the first nonblank character of display line $ - to the end of real line g$ - to the end of display line w - forward to start of next word W - to the next WORD b - backward to start of current/previous word B - backward to start of current/previous WORD e - forward to end of current/next word E - forward to end of current/next WORD ge - backward to end of previous word gE - backward to end of previous WORD <number>G - to the line gg - beginning of the file G - end of the file ^G - show current line % - move to matching brackets f<char> - find next F<char> - find backward t<char> - find next char and place cursor before T<char> - find next char and place cursor before backward ; - go to the next of f/t , - go to previous of f/t g; - back to the last change g, - forward to the next change :changes - list changes {number}+ - go to the {number} lines down {number}- - go to the {number} lines up Marks m{a-zA-Z} - set a mark `{mark} - go to the exact mark place '{mark} - go the first non-whitespace character on where mark was set Automatic marks ` - Position before the last jump within current file .