
Cheatsheet tmux

Tmux Command line Cheatsheets tmux new -s {session_name} -n {name} - create new session and specify window name tmux {attach|a|at} -t {session_name} - attach to session tmux ls - list sessions tmux kill-session -t {session_name} - kill session Tmux Misc Prefix ? - help Prefix d - detach Prefix t - big clock Tmux Command mode Prefix : - command mode new-window -n {name} {command} - create new window and execute command Tmuix Sessions :new - new session Prefix s - list sessions Prefix $ - name session Prefix ( - previous session Prefix ) - next session Prefix L - last session Tmux Windows Prefix c - create new window Prefix , - rename window Prefix n - next window Prefix p - previous window Prefix {n} - go to window n Prefix f - find window by name Prefix w - list windows Prefix & - kill window Tmux Panes Prefix % split panes by vertical Prefix " split panes by horizontal Prefix o - cycle through the panes Prefix {arrow key} - navigate to specific pane Prefix space - cycle thought layouts Prefix x - close pane Prefix q - show panes numbers Prefix z - switch to whole window mode and back Prefix { - move the current pane left Prefix } - move the current pane right :setw synchronize-panes - toggle panes synchronization Tmux Copy mode (vi mode) Prefix [ - start copy mode Prefix ] - past from copy mode ^ - back to indentation esc - clear selection enter - copy selection j - cursor down h - cursor left l - cursor right k - cursor down L - cursor to bottom line M - cursor to middle line H - cursor to top line d - delete entire line D - delete to end of line $ - end of line : - goto line ⌃-d - half page down ⌃-u - half page up ⌃-f - next page w - next word p - paste buffer ⌃-b - previous page b - previous word q - quit mode ⌃-down, ⌃-j - scroll down ⌃-up, ⌃-k - scroll up n - next search match ?

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