Ansible AD HOC Command Examples – Ansible Cheat Sheet
Ansible AD HOC Command Examples - Ansible Cheat Sheet Excerpt Ansible ad hoc commands are one-liners designed to achieve a very specific task they are like quick snippets and your compact swiss army knife when you want to do a quick task across multiple machines. Simply put, Ansible ad hoc commands are single-line Linux shell commands, and a playbook is like a shell script, a collection of multiple commands with logic. Ansible special commands are single lines designed to accomplish a very specific task. They are like quick extractors and your compact Swiss army knife when you want to complete a task quickly on multiple machines. Simply put, Ansible ad hoc commands are single-line Linux shell commands, and a playbook is like a shell script, a collection of multiple commands with logic. Ansible special commands are useful when you want to perform a quick task. We’ve collected over 20 examples that will help you get started with Ansible AD HOC commands. This is your Ansible AD HOC command cheat sheet or Ansible cheat sheet. Prerequisites Must install Ansible (only on the control machine, remember there is no agent) Some remote virtual machines to test, you can use vagrant to build them.