By Linux Guru 01.01.0001
Introduction Ansible Dry Run or Ansible Check mode feature is to check your playbook before execution like Ansible’s –syntax-check feature.
With Ansible Dry Run feature you can execute the playbook without having to actually make changes on the server. With Ansible Dry Run you can see if the host is getting changed or not.
Ansible Dry Run or Ansible Check mode feature is to check your playbook before execution like Ansible’s --syntax-check
With Ansible Dry Run feature you can execute the playbook without having to actually make changes on the server. With Ansible Dry Run you can see if the host is getting changed or not.
Here is a sample playbook is written to install and start the Apache HTTPD web server.
- name: Playbook
hosts: webservers
become: yes
become_user: root
- name: ensure apache is at the latest version
name: httpd
state: latest
- name: ensure apache is running
name: httpd
state: started
Our objective is to install Apache web server and start it but if we want to see if it would affect/change the host or throw error . We can Dry Run this Playbook
with no further ado, Let me tell you how to Run the Ansible Playbook in Check mode or dry run mode ASCII Video
Where to use Ansible Dry Run
Consider you want to run the aforementioned playbook to install Apache HTTPD server against a list of hosts which already has Apache installed in them. You could simply run this playbook with Check mode or perform a Dry Run to verify it..
let us do it practically.
Ansible Dry Run – How to execute the playbook on check mode
This can be done with the help of -C
or --check
flag of the ansible-playbook
As said earlier, we are going to run the playbook against the list of hosts which already has Apache installed in them. So we are going to verify it by doing a DRY RUN
Where Ansible Dry run would fail / Cannot be used
Ansible Dry Run will attempt to run your playbook as before. It’s called Dry Run, right? This is what it was designed for.
But when you make the task conditional or based on the results in the notebook, the test run will fail.
For example, consider the following playbook in which you try to install a Weblogic application server based on the installation and availability of the Java JDK. If you run the following playbook in verification mode, that is, a test run. It will fail halfway because it cannot meet the requirements of the install weblogic task because Java is not installed. (as it cannot install anything during a dry run)
- name : Install java
become: yes
become_user: weblogic
tags: installjava, app
shell: "tar -xzf server-jre*.tar.gz"
chdir: "{{ oracle_home }}"
JAVA_HOME: "/opt/oracle/jdk1.8.0_191"
PATH: "{{JAVA_HOME}}/bin"
- name: Crate a Soft link to java
become: yes
become_user: root
tags: linkjava
shell: "ln -s {{oracle_home}}/jdk1.8.0_191/bin/java /usr/bin/java"
ignore_errors: true
- name : Validate Java
become: yes
become_user: weblogic
tags: app,vjava
command: "java -version"
register: javaver
- debug:
msg: " Java Version Found {{ javaver.stderr }}"
- name: Install Weblogic
become: yes
become_user: weblogic
tags: installweblogic,app
register: wlsinstall
shell: "java -jar {{ oracle_home}}/fmw*.jar -silent -invPtrLoc {{oracle_home}}/oraInst.loc -responseFile {{oracle_home}}/install.file -ignoreSysPrereqs -force -novalidation ORACLE_HOME={{oracle_home}} INSTALL_TYPE='WebLogic Server'"
chdir: "{{ oracle_home }}"
when: "'java version \"1.8.0_191\"' in javaver.stderr"
failed_when: "'failed' in wlsinstall.stderr"
changed_when: "'already installed' not in wlsinstall.stdout"
I hope you can understand how the Dry run function works and where it can be used and where it cannot be used.
While still exploring the possibilities of using this Checkmod and running it dry. I would be happy if you could tell us where this test run is useful in your case. Use the comments field.