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We are excited to collaborate with top Linux and hacking specialists to enhance our IT security measures. Their expertise will be invaluable in identifying vulnerabilities and implementing robust solutions to protect our systems. Together, we aim to create a secure and resilient IT environment.

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█▓▒▒░░░★ New Article in our Pentesting blog ★ ░░░▒▒▓█

Linux is an open-source operating system known for its robustness and flexibility, making it a popular choice for servers and developers. IT security involves protecting systems and data from unauthorized access, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Hacking, in this context, refers to the practice of exploiting vulnerabilities in systems to gain unauthorized access, which can be used for both malicious and ethical purposes. Understanding Linux and IT security is crucial for defending against cyber threats and maintaining secure systems.

.bashrc Beispiele

By commandlineFu on 09.12.2021

Applying changes To apply changes from this article to your .bashrc (without ending subshells), do: $ source ~/.bashrc oder $ . .bashrc Or, if you want, you can build your prompt using the ✓ unicode symbol for a zero status and the ✗ unicode symbol for a nonzero status: 0 ✓ andy@alba ~ $ true 0 ✓ andy@alba ~ $ false 1 ✗ andy@alba ~ $ I will try to type a wrong command... bash: I will try to type a wrong command...: command not found 127 ✗ andy@alba ~ $ _ # return value visualisation PS1="[33[01;37m]$? $(if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then echo "[33[01;32m]342234223"; else echo "[33[01;31m]342234227"; fi) $(if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]]; then echo '[33[01;31m]h'; else echo '[33[01;32m]u@h'; fi)[33[01;34m] w $[33[00m] " Alternatively, this can be made more readable with `PROMPT_COMMAND`: set_prompt () { Last_Command=$? # Must come first! Blue='[e[01;34m]' White='[e[01;37m]' Red='[e[01;31m]' Green='[e[01;32m]' Reset='[e[00m]' FancyX='342234227' Checkmark='342234223' ## Add a bright white exit status for the last command PS1="$White$? " # If it was successful, print a green check mark. Otherwise, print # a red X. if [[ $Last_Command == 0 ]]; then PS1+="$Green$Checkmark " else PS1+="$Red$FancyX " fi # If root, just print the host in red.

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Adobe Flash Player Linux Install Anleitung

on 09.12.2021

Flash > Adobe Flash Player Adobe Flash Player is a multimedia platform used to add animation, video, and interactivity to Web pages. Flash is frequently used for advertisements and games. This wiki page describes how to install the Adobe Flash Player, formerly known as the Macromedia Flash Player, on Debian systems. This page serves as the homepage of the Debian package flashplugin-nonfree. End User License Agreement of the Adobe Flash Player The newest versions of the Debian package flashplugin-nonfree have this warning in the package description: WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes the Adobe Flash Player to be downloaded from www.adobe.com. The End User License Agreement of the Adobe Flash Player is available at www.adobe.com. Installation Ensure your /etc/apt/sources.list file includes the contrib section ( for more information see sources.list ) Install flashplugin-nonfree (from section contrib): apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree Upgrade How to update the Adobe Flash Player: update-flashplugin-nonfree --install Supported browsers in Debian Arora Galeon Iceweasel Konqueror (if Netscape plugins support is present) Opera >= 9.50 beta 1 … and more. Unsupported browsers Chromium Bug reporting If you find a problem with flashplugin-nonfree, then you are most welcome to report it in the Debian bug tracking system. However, we cannot modify the Adobe Flash Player to fix problems in Debian.

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Cheatsheet tmux

By John Doe, Linux Guru on 09.12.2021

Tmux Command line Cheatsheets tmux new -s {session_name} -n {name} - create new session and specify window name tmux {attach|a|at} -t {session_name} - attach to session tmux ls - list sessions tmux kill-session -t {session_name} - kill session Tmux Misc Prefix ? - help Prefix d - detach Prefix t - big clock Tmux Command mode Prefix : - command mode new-window -n {name} {command} - create new window and execute command Tmuix Sessions :new - new session Prefix s - list sessions Prefix $ - name session Prefix ( - previous session Prefix ) - next session Prefix L - last session Tmux Windows Prefix c - create new window Prefix , - rename window Prefix n - next window Prefix p - previous window Prefix {n} - go to window n Prefix f - find window by name Prefix w - list windows Prefix & - kill window Tmux Panes Prefix % split panes by vertical Prefix " split panes by horizontal Prefix o - cycle through the panes Prefix {arrow key} - navigate to specific pane Prefix space - cycle thought layouts Prefix x - close pane Prefix q - show panes numbers Prefix z - switch to whole window mode and back Prefix { - move the current pane left Prefix } - move the current pane right :setw synchronize-panes - toggle panes synchronization Tmux Copy mode (vi mode) Prefix [ - start copy mode Prefix ] - past from copy mode ^ - back to indentation esc - clear selection enter - copy selection j - cursor down h - cursor left l - cursor right k - cursor down L - cursor to bottom line M - cursor to middle line H - cursor to top line d - delete entire line D - delete to end of line $ - end of line : - goto line ⌃-d - half page down ⌃-u - half page up ⌃-f - next page w - next word p - paste buffer ⌃-b - previous page b - previous word q - quit mode ⌃-down, ⌃-j - scroll down ⌃-up, ⌃-k - scroll up n - next search match ?

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DIY high resolution 3D DLP printer (3D SLA printer)

on 09.12.2021

Hello World (skip the first two pages to go directly to the build) Please like my brand new facebook page to stay up to date of my new projects and progress on the 3D printer. **We are now selling Beta tester Kits, PM message me for details!**I have to admit that I have not been active on Instructables for quite a while now, this because we (yes it is we now :D) have been busy developing a 3D printer. A 3D dlp printer to be exact, an open source high resolution 3D DLP printer to be even more exact. We have now finished version 1.0 and now it is time to share our learnings with the rest of the world.Why did we work on a 3D printer? Well as you all know the world needs more 3D printers, more platforms for creation, more freedom. More possible ways to show your epic awesomeness in creation. And most of all the freedom to design and fabricate exactly what you need, when you need it without any barriers. In short 3D printers are awesome, you can never have enough 3D printers.Why did we work on a 3D Direct Light Processing printer (DLP)? 3D printers come in many shapes, sizes and varieties.

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